Which cheesy 80s movie are you?
Breakfast Club- huh, so you actually went to detention. This says that you are fun yet unrealistic
Are you a child of the 80's?
You Are 36% A Child of the 80s. Your 80s experience was totally bogus. Maybe you were late to the party?
What 80's Metal Band are you?
You are Judas Priest. You rock hard and ride free. You love leather, studs and singing metal, with the occassional motorcycle.
Which 80's song are you?
Kiss-It's my life, you know who you are and you're totally fine with it. you are a generally laid back person, but very rebellious and that can make you seem outspoken. you've got your own mind, your own ideas, and you love to share them. YOU ROCK!
What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
You're My Little Pony!! Sweet and innocent and happy, you make people want to spew burrito chunks. Even a Care Bear could kick your ass.
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